What’s my purpose?

I've often heard the question and have found myself asking it: What is my purpose? It seems that there is an expectation that some brilliant flash of insight will occur, giving a singular purpose to the entirety of my existence and clearly laying out a path before me. As though I would suddenly be standing on a straight highway clear of traffic with nothing to obstruct my vision, or I would be given a celestial download equivalent to google maps getting not just turn by turn directions, but the ability to pan out and see the whole route. It is almost as though purpose is being confused or conflated with destination. Which makes sense, the second definition of destination is the ultimate purpose.

Perhaps the issue that I've had is with that singular view. As though there is only one purpose for my life and one purpose for yours. If that is so, what happens when the one thing is accomplished? How do you determine what the one thing even is? Let’s say you’re a brilliant pianist and can really express emotion through the instrument that connects with those who listen. You've been playing for most of your life and believe it is what you were born to do. One day you’re jogging along the beach in the morning and notice a senior citizen swimming, then struggling and starting to go under. Without thinking you rip off your shirt, jump in the water, swim to the man, and pull him to safety. Exhausted and gasping for breath the man embraces you, and cries while thanking you for saving his life. At that moment, is your purpose to bring joy and connection to people through the piano?

Is the idea of a singular static purpose, a still life purpose, just another trick of the ego? Is it possible that your purpose is infinitely changing, evolving, moment to moment? What if it’s both? Life seems full of paradox and perhaps this is another. What if the purpose of life is nothing more than for the Universe to experience existence as and through you? What if the search for a singular purpose is taking you away from the actual purpose- of experiencing existence, because you are in your own head experiencing your psychologically created world?


Everything I Know About Life I Learned from Super Mario.